Welcome to Serkets' webbed site!

Here is where I keep my art and ambush you with RSS.

A.B.A. with a creepy smile. The text reads "All Smiles"

Get fucking Vriska'd idiot.


This webbed site exists so that I can make update posts and put them in an RSS thing. I might also host Hellbent and/or my other writing here, someday.

About Serkets

Serkets, who you may know as serketineWillfulness, coruscatingDerelict, adamantineChelicerae or solarpoweredWolf, are a plural system notorious for being full of Vriskae.

Alleged Homestuck troll therian, writer, artist and fucking blogposter now I guess, it forges ahead through the horrors of reality by introjecting every BPD girl they come across.

Some have accused her of being "one of those fucking dollposters", "having a 4chan accent", and various other untrue things. Do not listen.

Forum signature style image with Davebot that reads "this user is normal and can be trusted around jade harley"